Wild Local Superfood

Wisdom of the Generations

The value of local wild herbs is nowadays almost forgotten. Back in the days, stinging nettle and saltbush were cooked like spinach, dandelion turned into salad and for every ache and pain there was an herb in the medicine chest.

Today, very few people know the names of the herbs growing wild out of the sidewalks. Wisdom, recipes and rituals which were passed on for generations are being quickly forgotten.

Wild Local Superfood

Wild herbs were never cultivated, therefore, they are extremely robust and rich in nutrients. Unlike today’s cultivated vegetables and fruits, wild plants were never changed in their genetic composition with the goal of receiving a more homogenic taste. Wild herbs tend to be bitter, which is so important for our health. Due to their natural structure, wild plants can store far more vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll compared to their modern relatives in the supermarket.

Besides the incredible health benefits of wild herbs and plants, they are also very interesting ingredients for culinary use. One small herb can change the flavour of a whole dish adding notes of bitterness, freshness or spice.

During the past years, Inés Lauber has taught several workshops and organized quite a few dinner events around the theme of wild plants. The workshops and events can take place in both, an urban or rural setting.


  • workshop concept

  • workshop lead

  • recipe creation

This workshop took place in cooperation with kruut at the urban gardening project Himmelbeet in Berlin.